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ltpfs rwtest03 test failed
What happened: https://github.com/juicedata/juicefs/runs/7364739989?check_suite_focus=true https://github.com/juicedata/juicefs/runs/7397520505?check_suite_focus=true What you expected to happen: The action passed. How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible): Follow the action. Anything else we need to know? No
doio(rwtest03) (57766) 20:45:54
check_file(/tmp/jfs/ltp-DuIUAMIvSR/mm-buff-57749, 8043092, 106026, U:57766:fv-az131-336:doio*, 26, 0) failed
Comparison fd is 3, with open flags 0
Corrupt regions follow - unprintable chars are represented as '.'
corrupt bytes starting at file offset 8043092
1st 32 expected bytes: U:57766:fv-az131-336:doio*U:5776
1st 32 actual bytes: 1-336:doio*W:57767:fv-az131-336:
Request number 324
fd 4 is file /tmp/jfs/ltp-DuIUAMIvSR/mm-buff-57749 - open flags are 02 O_RDWR,
write done at file offset 8043092 - pattern is U (0125)
number of requests is 1, strides per request is 1
i/o byte count = 106026
memory alignment is unaligned
syscall: mmap-write(NULL, 12800000, PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, 4, 0)
file is mmaped to: 0x7f0831ce3000
file-mem=0x7f083248ea54, length=106026, buffer=0x562c6d13fb22
doio(rwtest03) (57764) 20:45:54
(parent) pid 57766 exited because of data compare errors
tag=rwtest03 stime=1658177164
cmdline="export LTPROOT; rwtest -N rwtest03 -c -q -i 60s -n 2 -f buffered -s mmread,mmwrite -m random -Dv 10%25000:$TMPDIR/mm-buff-$$"
doio(rwtest03) (55214) 20:46:23
check_file(/tmp/jfs/ltp-8oHVbYe7c2/mm-buff-55198, 8247343, 2649, T:55214:fv-az39-418:doio*, 25, 0) failed
Comparison fd is 3, with open flags 0
Corrupt regions follow - unprintable chars are represented as '.'
corrupt bytes starting at file offset 8247343
1st 32 expected bytes: T:55214:fv-az39-418:doio*T:55214
1st 32 actual bytes: 14:fv-az39-418:doio*Z:55214:fv-a
Request number 2258
fd 4 is file /tmp/jfs/ltp-8oHVbYe7c2/mm-buff-55198 - open flags are 02 O_RDWR,
write done at file offset 8247343 - pattern is T (0124)
number of requests is 1, strides per request is 1
i/o byte count = 2649
memory alignment is unaligned
syscall: mmap-write(NULL, 12800000, PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, 4, 0)
file is mmaped to: 0x7f9307fd5000
file-mem=0x7f93087b282f, length=2649, buffer=0x557ac3ba32d6
doio(rwtest03) (55211) 20:46:23
(parent) pid 55214 exited because of data compare errors
rwtest(rwtest03) : doio reported errors (r=4)
rwtest03 1 TFAIL : ltpapicmd.c:188: doio reported errors (r=4)
rwtest03 1 TFAIL : ltpapicmd.c:188: Test failed
https://github.com/juicedata/juicefs/actions/runs/3029340853/jobs/4874722144 rwtest03 failed again (parent) pid 49182 exited because of data compare errors rwtest(rwtest03) : doio reported errors (r=4) rwtest03 1 TFAIL : ltpapicmd.c:188: doio reported errors (r=4) rwtest03 1 TFAIL : ltpapicmd.c:188: Test failed Test failed
Test succeeds more than 10 times continuously for the latest main branch. See #3580