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This is the implementation of Noise2Void training.
When I run predictions on image stacks of a few GB, sometimes my kernel dies after I get the message `flow/core/framework/cpu_allocator_impl.cc:81] Allocation of x exceeds 10% of system memory.` I...
Hi, thanks for your nice code. When I'm training the model, it trains on cpu, not gpu, which makes the training quite slow. I've installed tensorflow-gpu 1.14.0 and keras 2.2.5....
Hello everyone, I am currently trying to use n2v 3D within the ZeroCostDL4Mic framework to denoise fluorescence images of calcium signals in order to make them useable for quantitative analysis....
I spent yesterday afternoon installing n2v on a new machine (Ryzen 5, RTX 2060, Ubuntu 20.04, conda) and ran into tensorflow-related issues with n2v. The error occurs when running training...
**Hi,** **after having used the n2v notebook for 3D denoising with my own images for quite some time it has stopped working** **recently. I went back and tried to run...
Hi, I am currently running N2V in Jupyter Notebook. In the past, I would run the training module, and restart the kernel to free GPU memory so that I could...
The information about the number of epochs used for proper training should be highlighted (red and large font). In the 3D example we should additionally explain that more training-epochs could...
## Behaviour An error message is displayed in the background (not in the jupyter notebook but in the terminal jupyter notebook was called from): ` E tensorflow/core/grappler/optimizers/meta_optimizer.cc:502] layout failed: Invalid...
Especially for the section where we load data we often see people struggling to understand what dimensions in what order to put there. Even if they use Fiji, they still...
After downloading the weight file, when I am loading this model. It's not working. If I want to use this model later to work perfectly how can I do that?