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Price is not reporting corectly

Open jcastang opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments


I have added current price in my energy dashboard using this attribute as increasing cost for energy consumption

  • name: sensor.atome_daily_cost state: "{{ state_attr('sensor.atome_daily', 'price') | float }}" unit_of_measurement: 'euro'

But each day it only reports 1.75€ instead of the real price.

As I login into my Total Énergie account I can see real price.

Maybe something I misconfigured or misunderstood ?

jcastang avatar Jul 25 '23 12:07 jcastang

Hello, Sorry for the delay. Please if you look directly in HA dashboard the sensor Atome Delay, what is displayed for price and previous price (attributes) ? Thanks in advance Philippe

jugla avatar Sep 02 '23 07:09 jugla

Hello, If I look into entities, I see a price for today and previous, but the price is wrong. image

The real price is near 3/4€

jcastang avatar Sep 04 '23 08:09 jcastang

I have to correct it

jugla avatar Feb 26 '24 23:02 jugla

Hello, Please can you check with this template in configuration.yaml :

  - sensor:
      - name: atome_daily_price
        state: >-
           {% if state_attr('sensor.atome_daily', 'price') == 'unknown' %}
           {% else %}
              {{ state_attr('sensor.atome_daily', 'price') }}
           {% endif %}
        #unit_of_measurement: 'EUR'
        state_class: total_increasing
        #device_class: monetary

jugla avatar May 07 '24 08:05 jugla