
Results 33 comments of jugla

Same issue. The problem seems to be within `src/panels/calendar/ha-full-calendar.ts` . As a workaround, in HA 2022.4.2 , you can create a calendar card and select code. E.g. : ```yaml initial_view:...

Don't know if it can help: #9993 may solve it.

@[spacegaier](https://github.com/spacegaier) , do you know how to handle this PR #12093 ?

NB : respect to probot-home-assistant question, I'm the codeowner of worldtidesinfocustom

Hello, Great Idea, I would add a forecast sensor. Meanwhile, you have calendar that brings the information

Thanks for your feed back. I will perform the enhancement (remove deprecated)

Hello, If by the way, you have the previous logs ? When you have reboot, you have forced : - reinit HA-AtomeServer link - reinit HA process - reinit KeyAtome...

Thanks for your feed back. Sorry or the delay. I've experienced, some issue on Wifi with the freebox because "behind a 'big' wall". What I've done is to add a...

Hello @tmjo , in https://github.com/jugla/worldtidesinfocustom/issues/26 , [CaptInsano](https://github.com/CaptInsano) have added some trace. I wonder if something around cmake is missing. Maybe I'm wrong