Juliana Fajardini Reichow
Juliana Fajardini Reichow
Followed by: https://github.com/OISF/suricata/pull/10527
Updated PR description to refer to SV PR in format recognized by our CI checks, and re-triggered CI build runs.
> Is there a redmine ticket for this ? For the pass-alert thing: https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/issues/5466
> Question for us : do we want to have SV tests exercising these ? imho, yes. Also document those fields, somehow.
Re-triggered CI runs to see if they're still green with the new SV PR that was linked to it.
> > Thanks for the work > > CI : ✅ Code : cool Commits segmentation : ok Commit messages : ok, (I would say Ticket rather than Bug as...
Imho, would be cool if we managed to incorporate these.
> > * maybe one for unittests removal, just to keep the change contained? > > Interesting. Why so ? Looking again, I can't see what made me make this...
> At the moment I utilize logstash to enrich the log file from Suricata but at the cost of additional resources in RAM, CPU, and storage. I would like to...
> > > At the moment I utilize logstash to enrich the log file from Suricata but at the cost of additional resources in RAM, CPU, and storage. I would...