I know, this is primarily a feature request for the Pinscape Firmware, and only indirectly a feature request for the PinscapeConfigTool. Recently, some measurements were carried out in the community...
Manufacturer names are spread across 3 (and more) locations: - Visual Pinball X database file - Multiple media filenames (playfield screenshots, etc.) - GameStats.csv Filtering in PinballY based on manufacturer...
I would like to be able to query individual json attributes from gamedata.json. E.g. 'bg_fov_fullscreen'. As a (potential later) extension, it would be nice if vpxtool allows setting attribute values....
As an example, I would like to extract only the gamedata.json. This could also be implemented in a way to omit all large files (images, sound and potentially gameitems folders)...
We've probably all pressed the 'exit' button by mistake at some point instead of the button next to it, which we wanted to reach, right? It would be nice if...
Can we benefit from Radiance Cascades in VPX and maybe go from prerendered Lighting (VLM) - which is great btw. - back to dynamic light calculation again (for the better)...