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Rankings in games
Unfortunately I don't have the skills to adapt it. The code to view the general ranking in the game has been reported on Evo-web. I leave link to the post:
I tried the code by putting it in, but it didn't work because it was written in python2. I leave it here for those who are able to adapt it in python3.
The first step is to create a file named rankings.php on your webserver and put this code inside the file
general 11/11 2022-11-05 03:59:48 0,0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0 1,1,Prankster,100,550,500,1,49,198,998,1,4 2,1208,Prankster2,100,452,400,3,49,178,997,1,4 3,8701,Prankster3,100,434,380,5,49,165,887,1,4 4,1207,Prankster4,100,366,310,7,49,162,777,1,4 5,6612,Prankster5,100,358,300,9,49,156,567,1,2 6,3283,Prankster6,100,259,199,11,49,134,456,1,2 7,13859,Prankster7,100,262,200,13,49,150,345,1,3 8,8702,Prankster8,100,264,200,15,49,160,299,1,3 9,6530,Prankster9,100,266,200,17,49,162,280,1,3 10,5513,Prankster10,100,268,200,19,49,90,270,1,0 11,69,Prankster11,100,270,200,21,49,20,260,1,0'; ?>
To change the rankings shown ...
Each entry in the file is a ranking and the format is
rank,players profile id,profile name, points, games, wins, draws, losses, streak record , rating, a value of 1, the division (4 means D1)
The table supports up to 100 players. To extend it you can change the
11/11 inside the file to 100/100
Of course remember to add more ranking lines to the file as well.
The second step is to edit your file
replace the following code which is already in
def getWebServerList_2200(self, pkt):
#self.sendData(0x2202,data) #TODO
With my code instead
def getWebServerList_2200(self, pkt):
data = '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % (
self.sendExplicitData(0x2201, 8, 7, data)
log.msg('pes6.getWebServerList_2200, error while trying to send %s' % str(data))
url_length = 128
rank_urls = ['' for u in range(7)]
rank_url_types = [0, 256, 512, 768, 1024, 1024, 1280, 1536]
data_length = (7 * (url_length + 2))
data = [0 for x in range(data_length)]
data = '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s' % (
'%s%s' % (rank_urls[0],'\0'*(128-len(rank_urls[0]))),
'%s%s' % (rank_urls[1],'\0'*(128-len(rank_urls[1]))),
'%s%s' % (rank_urls[2],'\0'*(128-len(rank_urls[2]))),
'%s%s' % (rank_urls[3],'\0'*(128-len(rank_urls[3]))),
'%s%s' % (rank_urls[4],'\0'*(128-len(rank_urls[4]))),
'%s%s' % (rank_urls[5],'\0'*(128-len(rank_urls[5]))),
'%s%s' % (rank_urls[6],'\0'*(128-len(rank_urls[6]))))
log.debug('2202 data is: ' + str(data))
log.msg('pes6.getWebServerList_2200, Error while sending data to client')
log.msg('pes6.getWebServerList_2200, Error while sending data to client')
Remember to change "" in the code to the location of your php file.
Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0
Remember this code is for python2 and it doesn't work on this python3 version. Therefore I leave it only for those who know how to adapt it. Video demo
Argh.. The post "" seems moved or deleted.. Do you have a archive of this topic or the new link ?
Argh.. The post "" seems moved or deleted.. Do you have a archive of this topic or the new link ?
Hi, sorry for the late reply. The code is above, but it's in python2. Therefore it doesn't fit this which is written in python3. I asked for help here and also in various forums... But I didn't get any answers. I know for sure that in python2 it works. But I would like to have it for ours which is written in python3. But no one wants to adapt it. Sin. If you know anything, or can do anything, I hope you can remember me. I shared it here because I knew it would be lost.
Argh.. The post "" seems moved or deleted.. Do you have a archive of this topic or the new link ?
Hi, sorry for the late reply. The code is above, but it's in python2. Therefore it doesn't fit this which is written in python3. I asked for help here and also in various forums... But I didn't get any answers. I know for sure that in python2 it works. But I would like to have it for ours which is written in python3. But no one wants to adapt it. Sin. If you know anything, or can do anything, I hope you can remember me. I shared it here because I knew it would be lost.
Hi, I don't know how it's works on python cause i m working on java, but for display ranking i do like that:
- when you ask ranking from game, that ask database for query.
- the query is do by http post value: for example for general ranking post query is like that:
- type=6&division=5&from=0&records=100&pid=2&flag=0
- so you just need to make a php page who ask database with this fields
- and adapt it to display all data like " general 11/11 2022-11-05 03:59:48 0,0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0 1,1,Prankster,100,550,500,1,49,198,998,1,4 2,1208,Prankster2,100,452,400,3,49,178,997,1,4 3,8701,Prankster3,100,434,380,5,49,165,887,1,4 "
- for the number of player (11/11) just use count function from database query
- for the date use timestamp.
- For others value you have on all on database
- Don't forgive to use pid="your pid"
Good luck
Argh.. The post "" seems moved or deleted.. Do you have a archive of this topic or the new link ?
Hi, sorry for the late reply. The code is above, but it's in python2. Therefore it doesn't fit this which is written in python3. I asked for help here and also in various forums... But I didn't get any answers. I know for sure that in python2 it works. But I would like to have it for ours which is written in python3. But no one wants to adapt it. Sin. If you know anything, or can do anything, I hope you can remember me. I shared it here because I knew it would be lost.
Hi, I don't know how it's works on python cause i m working on java, but for display ranking i do like that:
- when you ask ranking from game, that ask database for query.
- the query is do by http post value: for example for general ranking post query is like that:
- type=6&division=5&from=0&records=100&pid=2&flag=0
- so you just need to make a php page who ask database with this fields
- and adapt it to display all data like " general 11/11 2022-11-05 03:59:48 0,0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0 1,1,Prankster,100,550,500,1,49,198,998,1,4 2,1208,Prankster2,100,452,400,3,49,178,997,1,4 3,8701,Prankster3,100,434,380,5,49,165,887,1,4 "
- for the number of player (11/11) just use count function from database query
- for the date use timestamp.
- For others value you have on all on database
- Don't forgive to use pid="your pid"
Good luck
That's exactly what the code I posted does... But being in python2, on the server written in python3 it doesn't work... Since the syntax has changed from python2 to 3. I hope someone with experience in python3 can help me. Anyway, thanks for your kind response❤️ I hope one day I can have the pleasure of trying yours in java😉