Juarez Rudsatz

Results 38 issues of Juarez Rudsatz

Documentation says that should set compression in SparkConf: > spark.conf.set("spark.sql.avro.compression.codec", "deflate") But others formats like parquet allows setting it in DataFrameWriter options: > DataFrameWriter writer = rowDataset.write() > .format("com.databricks.spark.avro") >...

Today mixed case field return null value instead. For example: Using the following query: SELECT id, clientId, ownerId from my_solr_table limit 1 will return the values: - abcefg - null...

Today there are just a source code copy.

Hi, Do you have any plans for supporting syntax highlighting in the widget? There are some [crates](https://github.com/trishume/syntect?tab=readme-ov-file#example-code) that could [help](https://github.com/Colonial-Dev/inkjet/), but I don't know if there is interest in having...

## Describe the bug - Region folding stop to work I have both the [vscode-better-folding](https://github.com/mtbaqer/vscode-better-folding) and [vscode-explicit-folding](https://github.com/zokugun/vscode-explicit-folding) extensions enabled. - If I turn off the `vscode-better-folding` extension and reload the...

### Describe the problem When disconnected from AC one of the measures to save battery is to dim the screen brightness. ### Possible Solution Having some new optional settings to...


## Feature Request: install with command: cargo install smartcalc See the [Documentation](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/commands/cargo-install.html) is here.

## Overview I've been using the Simple Translate extension for a long time and it has been a real tool in my daily work. The most common uses are: 1....