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Fastest-lap is a vehicle dynamics simulator. It can be used to understand vehicle dynamics, to learn about driving techniques, to design car prototypes, or just for fun!
The C version of `vehicle_get_property` is ```C++ double vehicle_get_property(const char* vehicle_name, const double* q, const double* qa, const double* u, const double s, const char* property_name); ``` Provide a binding...
Provide an energy boost for a given amount of time. This energy boost shall be only ON/OFF, i.e. no modulation possible.
Hi Juan, i'm trying to run the 1 simple lap, but at the end when i write the last row run = fastest_lap.download_variables(*fastest_lap.optimal_laptime(vehicle_name, track_name, s, options)) this error shows up...
Hello, I'm having issues while running the GPS part in the Optimal_laptime.ipynb file. It gave me the error message (Canceled future for execute_request message before replies were done The Kernel...
Hi, I am using v0.5 on Ubuntu 22, built and installed from source. I am running this through matlab and all is well but I am getting a segfault following...
I have problems starting the examples after changing the car or circuit. I am running it from windows 10 and python 3.11.2, I have also tried version 3.9 and it...
In most tracks, when a car takes a full lap, the total yaw angle steered is 360 (with the appropriate sign for clock/counter-clock wise tracks). But for example, in suzuka,...