QDeferred copied to clipboard
warning: Called C++ object pointer is null [clang-analyzer-core.CallAndMessage]
So in my project I am getting some weird crashes and I am suspecting it being a problem with QDeferred.
When running Clang-Tidy and Clazy analyzer in QtCreator, I am getting some warning with "C++ object pointer is null" message.
I went and tested with test13 and got the same warning message
warning: Called C++ object pointer is null [clang-analyzer-core.CallAndMessage] 1: Calling 'QDeferred::resolve' in /home/inno-dev/Bureau/TMP/QDeferred/tests/test13/awaitwidget.h:34 2: Called C++ object pointer is null in /home/inno-dev/Bureau/TMP/QDeferred/src/qdeferred.hpp:312
I also got this one
warning: Use of memory after it is freed [clang-analyzer-cplusplus.NewDelete] 1: Calling default constructor for 'QDeferred<>' in /home/inno-dev/Bureau/TMP/QDeferred/src/qlambdathreadworkerdata.cpp:159 2: Memory is allocated in /home/inno-dev/Bureau/TMP/QDeferred/src/qdeferred.hpp:146 3: Returning from default constructor for 'QDeferred<>' in /home/inno-dev/Bureau/TMP/QDeferred/src/qlambdathreadworkerdata.cpp:159 4: Assuming the condition is true in /home/inno-dev/Bureau/TMP/QDeferred/src/qlambdathreadworkerdata.cpp:160 5: Left side of '||' is true in /home/inno-dev/Bureau/TMP/QDeferred/src/qlambdathreadworkerdata.cpp:160 6: Calling 'QDeferred::reject' in /home/inno-dev/Bureau/TMP/QDeferred/src/qlambdathreadworkerdata.cpp:162 7: Calling copy constructor for 'QDeferred<>' in /home/inno-dev/Bureau/TMP/QDeferred/src/qdeferred.hpp:319 8: Calling 'QExplicitlySharedDataPointer::reset' in /home/inno-dev/Bureau/TMP/QDeferred/src/qdeferred.hpp:152 9: Field 'd' is non-null in /opt/Qt/5.15.8/gcc_64/include/QtCore/qshareddata.h:170 10: Left side of '&&' is true in /opt/Qt/5.15.8/gcc_64/include/QtCore/qshareddata.h:170 11: Assuming the condition is true in /opt/Qt/5.15.8/gcc_64/include/QtCore/qshareddata.h:170 12: Taking true branch in /opt/Qt/5.15.8/gcc_64/include/QtCore/qshareddata.h:170 13: Memory is released in /opt/Qt/5.15.8/gcc_64/include/QtCore/qshareddata.h:171 14: Returning; memory was released in /home/inno-dev/Bureau/TMP/QDeferred/src/qdeferred.hpp:152 15: Returning from copy constructor for 'QDeferred<>' in /home/inno-dev/Bureau/TMP/QDeferred/src/qdeferred.hpp:319 16: Use of memory after it is freed in /home/inno-dev/Bureau/TMP/QDeferred/src/qdeferred.hpp:319
Is that a normal case? Maybe this us just because clang doesn't work well with QExplicitlySharedDataPointer.