Juan Blanco
Juan Blanco
FSharp needs to have the types in the right order when declared if not will cause an issue, moving the implementation types below the base classes will remove this issue.
An update of the hardware wallets is necessary to comply with latest firmware.
Thoughts.. (to investigate) not a major priority * The task will a build the portable project updater * Execute it * Make a pull to Nethereum.
* Include swarm bzz (for verification) (using dec storage) * Include runtime bytecode (excluding constructor etc) (for verification) (for verification with deployed code) * ABI definition string for info *...
Add conversion of datetime to the Utils library: From gitter: DateTime d = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(1518233797).DateTime.ToLocalTime(); J
The new version of solidity has support for User Defined types, this will require an upgrade of the parser, autocompletion and go to definition between other things.
The extension displays the compiler errors and warnings as you type, there might be scenarios that a user wants to ignore specific warnings, maybe because they don't care or maybe...
Goto definition uses an old walking service, which whilst great it will be easier for both autocomplete and goto to use the same one, the codewalker extracts all the data...