Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado
Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado
I'm using this patch to hide the retweets. Here is the API doc https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/lists/statuses. ``` diff --- src/ListStatusesPage.vala.orig Fri Jul 25 04:12:58 2014 +++ src/ListStatusesPage.vala Fri Jul 25 04:17:40 2014...
Do you have planned to add this feature?. I've been patching corebird for more than 3 years. For me, this is the only missing feature of the client. If adding...
Unfortunately, I don't know how to program with vala. That's why I didn't send a pull request. I was thinking in something like this: add `call.add_param ("include_rts", somevariable);` to every...
I changed the URL. That's all :)
Thanks for the quick reply. I checked your recent changes in `CompiledCodeHelpers.c`, unfortunately that's not going to work on OpenBSD. It doesn't have `KERN_PROC_PATHNAME`.
I asked in our internal chat and Robert Nagy gave me these two examples http://ix.io/2gZF and http://ix.io/2gZI. This is the patch to Chromium https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openbsd/ports/master/www/chromium/patches/patch-base_base_paths_posix_cc.
Unfortunately, I can't help you with the C code. That's why I asked for alternatives to FreeBSD KERN_PROC_PATHNAME, so you can adapt the code to your needs. From time to...
No new knowledge about that, sorry.