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TessTwo (Tesseract) Android module for Appcelerator's Titanium
A Titanium Module for Android that provides TessTwo (Tesseract) OCR support
(this is still a work in progress)
This project depends on tess-two which in turn depends on tesseract and leptonica.
Inspect .classpath and build.properties and edit the paths to match your environment.
Clone or copy tess-two, then you must decide between two options to proceed: (both methods require the Android NDK)
- Build tess-two and manually copy the native libraries into ocrdroid
- merge the java and c source into ocrdroid then let Titanium to perform the JNI compilation
Titanium JNI compilation
Copy tess-two's jni into ocrdroid and merge tess-two's src with ocrdroid's existing src folder.
Uncomment and edit the ndk variables in build.properties to point to your ndk installation.
Build binaries separately
Build Tesseract binaries using tess-two, follow the directions there.
Then copy the binary folders (armeabi, armeabi-v7a, etc) to libs.import (targets defined in build.xml will copy them into the module during packaging)
Add the tess-two.jar to ocrdroid's classpath (I actually can't get the build to work adding the jar this way. It always fails in "cannot find symbol" on TessBaseAPI even though Titanium Studio shows no problems. My workaround is to copy the tess-two java source into ocrdroid and let Titanium compile it as part of ocrdroid )
Common Setup
Next create an assets folder and include a zip file named "tess.zip" (this is hardcoded in OcrdroidModule.unpackTessData) containing the trained data files inside of a tessdata folder as outlined in tess-two's readme