SerIOGrapher copied to clipboard
Plot serial data onto a constantly updated web graph for analysis
read streaming serial data (from an arduino for instance) and plot it on a moving graph in your browser.
Uses Rickshaw,,
Git clone or download/extract zip
cd SerIOGrapher
npm install
List serial port(s) info
node acc_serial_socket.js -l
Run serial socket server
default serialport is number 3
on windows, /dev/ttyS3
on linux *)
node acc_serial_socket.js
specifying a different port number
node acc_serial_socket.js -p 2
(* Mac users will need to manually edit the portPrefix
section in acc_serial_socket.js
to whatever is appropriate for their system)
Run graph webpage
open http://localhost:8080 in your browser of choice to see the data rendered. (tested on Chrome 55.0.2883.87 m 64-bit)
Click Snapshot to duplicate a frozen copy of the current graph window.
Trace over the snapshot with your cursor to see data values.
Use the slider to zoom in on the relevant data.