eslint-plugin-react copied to clipboard
react/jsx-curly-newline formats jsx ternary statement with unusual indentation
react/jsx-curly-newline: [2, { multiline: "require", singleline: "consistent" }]
Initial formatting before applying eslint autofixes:
const ParentComponent = ({ condition }) => {
return (
{ condition
? <ChildComponent />
: null }
Expected formatting:
const ParentComponent = ({ condition }) => {
return (
? <ChildComponent />
: null
Actual formatting:
const ParentComponent = ({ condition }) => {
return (
? <ChildComponent />
: null
Gif for extra context:
You need to also enable the jsx-indent
rule - rule autofixes are meant to work in concert with everything else, and are not expected to be run in isolation.
Perhaps it's a problem with the jsx-indent
rule then? As I also have that rule applied:
react/jsx-indent: [2, 2, { checkAttributes: true, indentLogicalExpressions: true }]
You also need to disable the core eslint indent
rule for JSX - something the airbnb config does for you.
@ljharb im extending the airbnb config in my .eslintrc.yml already, so the core eslint indent rule is turned off. That still results in the weird indentation shown above
Here's my full .eslintrc.yml:
- airbnb
- react
- destructuring-newline
ecmascript: 6
version: '16.8'
browser: true
jest: true
I18n: readonly
arrow-body-style: 0
func-style: 0
func-names: 0
newline-per-chained-call: 0
padding-line-between-statements: [
{ blankLine: "always", prev: ["singleline-const", "let", "var"], next: "*"},
{ blankLine: "never", prev: ["singleline-const", "let", "var"], next: ["const", "let", "var"]},
{ blankLine: "always", prev: ["cjs-import"], next: "*"},
{ blankLine: "never", prev: ["cjs-import"], next: ["cjs-import"]},
{ blankLine: "always", prev: "*", next: "return" }
no-empty: ["error", { "allowEmptyCatch": true }]
no-console: 0
no-nested-ternary: 0
no-param-reassign: 0
no-plusplus: 0
no-underscore-dangle: 0
no-multiple-empty-lines: [2, { "max": 1 }]
linebreak-style: 0
object-curly-newline: [2, { "multiline": true, "consistent": true }]
object-property-newline: [2, { "allowAllPropertiesOnSameLine": false }]
max-len: ["error", { "code": 180, "ignoreComments": true }]
curly: 0
import/no-extraneous-dependencies: 0
import/no-unresolved: 0
import/extensions: 0
import/prefer-default-export: 0
import/no-named-as-default: 0
import/no-commonjs: 2
space-return-throw-case: 0
complexity: 0
strict: [2, "never"]
no-confusing-arrow: 0
import/no-absolute-path: 0
react/sort-comp: [2, {
order: [
groups: {
rendering: [
import/no-cycle: 0
react/no-did-update-set-state: 0
react/no-string-refs: 0
react/prop-types: 0
react/jsx-indent: [2, 2, { checkAttributes: true, indentLogicalExpressions: true }]
react/jsx-filename-extension: [1, { "extensions": [".js", ".jsx"] }]
react/prefer-stateless-function: 0
react/destructuring-assignment: 0
react/jsx-fragments: 0
react/jsx-closing-bracket-location: [2, "after-props"]
react/jsx-curly-newline: 0
react/jsx-curly-spacing: [2, { "when": "always", "attributes": false, "children": true }]
react/jsx-wrap-multilines: ["error", {
"arrow": "parens-new-line",
"assignment": "parens-new-line",
"condition": "parens-new-line",
"declaration": "parens-new-line",
"logical": "parens-new-line",
"prop": "parens-new-line",
"return": "parens-new-line",
react/state-in-constructor: 0
react/static-property-placement: 0
react/jsx-props-no-spreading: 0
react/jsx-one-expression-per-line: 0
jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events: 0
jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions: 0
jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-tabindex: 0
jsx-a11y/alt-text: 0
jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-element-interactions: 0
jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid: 0
jsx-a11y/control-has-associated-label: 0
jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control: 0
no-return-assign: [2, "except-parens"]
multiline-ternary: [2, "always-multiline"]
I have the same issue: this code
export const X = ({ x }) => (
x ? (<div />) : <span />
does not generate any issues when used with react/jsx-indent: [2, 2, { checkAttributes: true, indentLogicalExpressions: true }]
looks like react/jsx-indent
does not react to anything except the opening curly brace
I also use airbnb config, so the indent
rule is off
Perhaps it can be fixed by eslint indent
Here is my .eslintrc
"rules": {
"indent": ["warn", 2, {
"ignoredNodes": ["JSXElement :not(JSXExpressionContainer, JSXExpressionContainer *)"]
// turn off checkAttributes, it is conflict with indent
"react/jsx-indent": ["warn", 2]
thanks @goblin-pitcher that worked for me