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A Jekyll plugin for using Git repositories as posts, giving you access to a post's commits, diffs, and more.


Gekyll is a Jekyll plugin that lets you use Git repositories as posts, giving you access to a post's commits, diffs, and more.

Gekyll supports Jekyll 1.0 and pre-1.0 versions.

Getting Started

  • Copy gekyll.rb from this repository into your Jekyll project's _plugins/ directory.
  • Gekyll depends on the Grit gem. So install it: gem install grit.

Adding Git repositories as Jekyll posts

  • Gekyll intercepts all Git directories in your Jekyll project's _posts/ directory. Gekyll can handle both "bare" and "non-bare" repositories. (Bare repositories should end in ".git" so Gekyll can find them.) Gekyll doesn't get in the way of standard posts, so your _posts/ directory might look like this:
├── (standard post)
├── a-profound-essay-on-free-will.git/ (bare repo, for Gekyll)
├── baseball-predictions/ (non-bare repo, for Gekyll)		
		├── .git/
		└── ...
└── i-like-ice-cream.git/ (another bare repo, for Gekyll)

- To get a Git repository's main content, Gekyll looks in the repo's ground-floor directory for the first file named draft.EXTENSION, readme.EXTENSION,, FILENAME.mkd, FILENAME.markdown, or FILENAME.txt. (In that order. You can change the order and filenames/extensions, though, in your `_config.yml` file; see the [Configuration](#configuration) section below for details.)

- Gekyll then treats this file much like it would any standard post in Jekyll: extracting a YAML header, adding it to the full list of posts, et cetera.

- Gekyll considers the date of your most recent commit to be the post's "date," unless you specify a date in the post's YAML header. For this reason, __beware of using URL structures that incorporate dates,__ e.g.,

## Extra Files

In addition to rendering the post, Gekyll also spits out the following files:

- `SLUG.git`: a raw, bare fork of your repo, clone-able even from a static HTTP server.
- `SLUG/raw/`: a directory containing all the raw files in your repository.
- `SLUG/commits.json`: a JSON file containing information about all commits to this repo.
- `SLUG/diffs/`: a directory containing one JSON file per commit, each representing an array of all diffs in that commit.

These files let you do fun things with your post/repo. But creating them can slow Gekyll down. So if you don't want them, you can tell Gekyll in `_config.yml` not to write them. See the [Configuration](#configuration) section below for details.

## Layouts & Templating

In addition to whatever you place in your YAML header, you'll have access to:

- `is_repo`: a boolean, always true.
- `commits`: an array of hashes representing each repo commit, in reverse-chronological order.
- `date`: defaults to the date of the most recent commit, but can be overridden/hardcoded in a post's YAML header.
- `first_commit_date`: the date of the repo's first commit.
- `last_commit_date`: the date of the repo's most recent commit. (Same as `date` unless `date` has been overridden.)

See `sample-layouts/repo.html` for sample usage.

## Configuration

Gekyll looks for a "gekyll" section in your Jekyll project's `_config.yml` file. Currently, it supports the following key/values:

- `filename_matches`: a list/array of case-insensitive, extensionless filenames Gekyll should consider to contain your main post, in order of priority. Default: `[ draft, readme ]`
- `extension_matches`: a list/array of case-insensitive, filenameless extensions Gekyll should consider to contain your main post, in order of priority. Default: `[ md, mkd, markdown, txt ]`
- `extras`: a list/array of the extra files (see the [Extra Files](#extra-files) section above) that Gekyll should generate. Default: `[ repo, blobs, commits, diffs ]`
- `layout`: the Jekyll layout that Gekyll should apply to its posts by default — can be overridden in the post's YAML header. Default: `repo`

So, if you wanted to use "article.EXTENSION" the main file to be rendered, and you didn't want Gekyll to write the raw repo or raw  repo files, you'd add these lines to your `_config.yml`:

gekyll: filename_matches: - article extras: - commits - diffs

## Gekyll in the Wild

- []( - Jeremy Singer-Vine
- []( - Chris Keller
- []( - Chris Wilson