James Sumners
James Sumners
No. We are not ESM only and likely never will be.
> I think we should deprecate decorateRequest(prop, value) with any value that is not null or undefined. There is really no valid use case for that. Defaulting to an empty...
What benefit does this provide? To whom? How will affect users who use CJS?
> It would create some minor annoyances, as `require('fastify')` becomes `import('fastify').then( ... )`. I'm not sure how that qualifies as "minor". It radically changes the structure of the code to...
For reference, this is Sindre's announcement https://blog.sindresorhus.com/get-ready-for-esm-aa53530b3f77
> Given that ESM will be the future, the discussion is not about _"should we move to ESM"_, but rather _"when should we move to ESM"_. Is it? The answer...
> What benefit does this provide to use CommonJS instead of ESM ? At least several. A couple are ESM doesn't allow for intercepting dependencies to mock for testing and...
Well that answers the "when" portion of the question, but it doesn't address the ongoing tracking of updates portion of the question. The CLI v1 page still pushes you to...
Please keep this thread on topic.
Sorry, https://github.com/oracle/node-oracledb/blob/master/.github/pull_request_template.md prevents me from submitting a PR.