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NET Conf: Focus on Xamarin samples
Focus on Xamarin
CollectionView, CarouselView, IndicatorView, RefreshView and SwipeView demos used in the "Visualize Your Data (CollectionView, CarouselView, & Beyond)" Focus on Xamarin event session.
<img src="images/home.png" Width="180" /> <img src="images/collection.png" Width="180" /> <img src="images/carousel.png" Width="180" /> <img src="images/indicator.png" Width="180" /> <img src="images/refresh.png" Width="180" /> <img src="images/swipe.png" Width="180" />
Related Xamarin.Forms goodlooking UI samples
- DrinksGalleryApp: Xamarin.Forms goodlooking UI sample using the new CarouselView (Parallax).
- FavFighters: Xamarin.Forms goodlooking UI sample using the SwipeView.
- FoodDeliveryDuo: Xamarin.Forms good looking UI sample for Surface Duo using CarouselView, CollectionView, IndicatorView, etc.
- FlightBookingApp: Xamarin.Forms goodlooking UI sample using the SwipeView.
<img src="images/drinkgalleryapp.gif" Width="180" /> <img src="images/swipe-lottie.gif" Width="180" /> <img src="images/fooddeliveryduoapp.gif" Width="440" />
Copyright and license
Code released under the MIT license.