Jörg Stucke
Jörg Stucke
FACT makes heavy use of multiprocessing. One or more worker processes are started for each analysis plugin (the number can be configured in `main.cfg`). Unpacking a large firmware with thousands...
This seems to be an issue with either docker or docker-compose. Could you simply try to navigate to the folder `src/install/radare` and run `docker-compose build --no-cache` and see if it...
Your issue seems to be discussed [here](https://github.com/docker/cli/issues/2971) Do you need the radare GUI, though? If not, simply removing/commenting out the call to docker-compose is still an option (it is just...
Hi, sounds like you have problems getting a connection to the docker registry. Could this be a proxy problem?
Building the container seems to run for me without errors. Can you try to run `docker-compose build` in the directory `src/install/radare` and report what happens? If it completes without issues,...
Hi, > For some firmware images, the analysis never finishes Do you mean that entries in "Currently analyzed firmware" (/system_health) never complete? That could happen if there are errors during...
The error is indeed not handled correctly. Nevertheless, it is also not clear what caused the error in the first place. Was it a particularly large or in some other...
We are always happy to receive external contributions and will try to support you, so feel free to try to improve this. Some things to note: - binwalk is only...
Hi, there are currently no plans to integrate this into FACT directly. It should be easy to write a script, that uploads the firmware automatically via the [Rest API](https://github.com/fkie-cad/FACT_core/wiki/Rest-API), though.
The way the CVE lookup works in FACT is as follows: the "software_components" plugin tries to match software with signatures. The "cve_lookup" plugin then tries to find the appropriate CPE...