Jörg Stucke

Results 160 comments of Jörg Stucke

Was there some other error earlier in the logs? It seems the web frontend is missing data here that should be passed from the backend but somehow that never happened,...

> "Run additional analysis" feature from the analysis page - where is it? It's the page with the analysis and meta data that you see when you click on a...

Those are a lot of errors. It seems some dependencies are missing. How did you install FACT? Did you follow the [INSTALL.md](https://github.com/fkie-cad/FACT_core/blob/master/INSTALL.md#simple-one-system-setup)? I would suggest rerunning `python3 install.py` from the...

> How can i analysis any firmware using ubuntu terminal? > since FACT has a [REST API](https://github.com/fkie-cad/FACT_core/wiki/Rest-API) you should be able to script all interaction with FACT an run it...

I don't think this could work for the integration and acceptance tests when stuff is written to the DB, Redis, etc. because this could lead to side effects (unless there...

> Also: Did we document somewhere what dependencys building the docs has? Did you try to look at the readme (`/docsrc/README.md`)? It should build fine if you follow the instructions...

I disagree: The different distros have vastly differing versions. E.g. Ubuntu 18.04 (which we still support) has YARA 3.7.1 which is not only pretty old, but also has a slightly...

It seems it has to do with the relatively recent addition to the "architecture_detection" plugin, which now requires the "kernel_config" and "device_tree" plugins as dependencies. We will have to investigate...

This is a problem that has haunted us for quite a while now. There is a limit on how many files can be opened on a system at the same...

The problem originates from the SFX unpacking plugin in the extractor. There, the results are already filtered. But there is a special case: If the section header table is stripped...