Jörg Stucke
Jörg Stucke
I still get the error message when looking at old analysis results: ```python File "", line 6, in template File "src/web_interface/filter.py", line 448, in hide_dts_binary_data device_tree = re.sub(r'\[[0-9a-f ]{32,}]', '(BINARY...
The path `/tmp/extractor/input/f620f62db123b3e26a302b84001c9f02f802ae2a3007b04e3924009cc740b3b1_201609133` exists only inside the extractor container. What is more, it is mounted from a temporary folder which gets deleted after the extraction is finished. So `/tmp/fact_unpack_bn4gerf6` could...
Why do you need to find the folder, though? You can also download all files (the file that gets extracted as well as all extracted files) from FACT's web interface.
This is a bug and should be fixed in #1162
It seems you have a very old version of "flask_babelex" installed (the offending line was apparently [changed in April 2016](https://github.com/python-babel/flask-babel/commit/2ada81c833640d512a00fcebdd867ff46294b932)) and we did not pin the version. Could you try...
Hi, > Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable This actually indicates that you are using your system's python without a venv, which is not recommended, since...
If you have run the installation without a venv, it should suffice to - set up a venv and activate it - install the packages from the `pre_install.sh` script (`pip...
Hi, the analysis plugin code is encapsulated in a `ExceptionSafeProcess`. This is done to ensure that if an error occurs, the analysis scheduling will continue and no information gets lost....
> Isn't this sanitation in the wrong place? Should it be needed at all? As far as I understand plugin results can contain invalid things, so they are sanitized. But...
This seems to only be an issue if the database encoding is not set to "UTF8". My database has this encoding (you can test it with the command `SHOW SERVER_ENCODING;`...