elasticsearch-accumulo-security copied to clipboard
Use the Accumulo ColumnVisibility security model to control access to your ElasticSearch documents.
Created by @cgross.
Use the Accumulo ColumnVisibility security model to control access to your ElasticSearch documents.
For reference on the Accumulo security model: http://accumulo.apache.org/1.4/user_manual/Security.html
- Build the standalone JAR and deploy to your ElasticSearch nodes under elasticsearch-xxx/lib.
- Add to config/elasticsearch.yml:
visibility.type: org.elasticsearch.security.AccumuloSecurityScriptFactory
- Add a field "securityExpression" to your documents, which contains the string form of an Accumulo ColumnVisibility. Example: new String(columnVisibility.getExpression()), like "ABC&DEF&(GHI|JKL)". NOTE: passing filter parameter "expressionField" allows you to customize the name of this field.
- Ensure that your field is not_analyzed otherwise ElasticSearch will attempt to analyze security expressions like A&B&(C|E|F)
- When querying, add a filter to invoke the script like so:
Authorizations auths = new Authorizations("ABC", "DEF", "GHI");
addParam("auths", auths.serialize()).addParam("expressionField", "myCustomSecurityFieldName"));
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