chatbot copied to clipboard
Chatbot for ROS
Chatbot for ROS
sudo apt-get install sox
sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-audio-common
sudo apt-get install python pip
pip install flask
You will also need to clone audio-common into your catkin workspace, as well as rosbridge-suite. rosbridge-suite can also be installed with ros-groovy-rosbridge-suite, but the Debian repository is currently broken, which is why you need to clone the repository to your workspace instead.
On a computer
Set the ROS Master URI to point to the robot. Open scripts/, and change the WebSocket host to your computer. It's assumed that the port will be 9090. Run:
roslaunch chatbot web.launch
On the robot
roslaunch chatbot robot.launch
Speech recognition uses the Web Speech API in Chrome.
Flask is used to run a simple web server.
Robot Web Tools is used to communicate with the ROS Master from a website.
The chatbot is based on the free Alice AIML set.
Google Translate is unofficially used to synthesize voices from text. SoX is used to convert the sound file.