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CloudFlare blocks request to simple test with no external resources
CloudFlare is blocking access to adding a very simple test case. When trying to submit the test, a screen similar to LuKks on https://github.com/jsperf/jsperf.com/issues/518#issuecomment-552064381 is shown.
I opened this issue after searching reading existing issues because this one is not related to jQuery (#518, #522) or any external scripts, and i'm not using concat
(#68, #345) and striked me as odd since the setup is so simple. Additionally, this test only includes "core javascript" and no libraries or frameworks, contradicting this comment.
Quoting asilluron, from https://github.com/jsperf/jsperf.com/issues/518#issuecomment-570938579:
JSPerf was created to test core JS Performance.
I'm certain substring
and split
have been part of javascript for at least 20+ years. One could argue const
is an issue, but according to mathiasbynens on issue 345,
ES2015 is definitely allowed.
Other comment on #519 argues that its out of jsperf's control because blocking scripts is working as intended, but as previously stated I don't have any.
The CloudFlare screen says to tell the site owner what I was doing and the "Ray ID": 56e3fd578d4580ce
Steps to reproduce
- Title:
two comma separated values: split vs substring
- Define setup:
const str = 'foo,bar';
- Code titles are
First code snippet:
var first = str.substring(0, str.indexOf(',')),
second = str.substring(str.indexOf(',') + 1);
Second code snippet:
var temp = str.split(','),
first = temp[0],
second = temp[1];
I run Chromium 75 on Windows. I don't have any browser extensions (yes, not even adblocker). My ip isn't hated by CloudFlare either, I can interact with other cf sites just fine.
changing the setup variable name to jklfjdslkfj fixed it: https://jsperf.com/two-comma-separated-values-split-vs-substring
what the hell man, cloudflare is stupid
Just to confirm, you changed str
to jklfjdslkfj
Yes (well, close). I changed str
to jfdlksj
and successfully submitted:
I replaced all instances of str
with jfdlksj
in the setup, test case 1 and test case 2, and successfully bypassed CloudFlare's block.
I have been blocked as well.
Preparation Code:
function createRandomString() {
const text = "";
const possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return text;
Benchmark.prototype.setup = function () {
const emptyMap = new Map();
const emptyObj = {};
const map = new Map();
const obj = {};
const predefinedKey = createRandomString();
const predefinedVal = createRandomString();
for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
const key = createRandomString();
const val = createRandomString();
map.set(key, val);
obj[key] = val;
Code snippet 1:
emptyMap.set(predefinedKey, predefinedVal);
Code snippet 2:
emptyObj[predefinedKey] = predefinedVal;
Code snippet 3:
for (let key of map.keys()) {
const val = map.get(key);
Code snippet 4:
for (let key of Object.keys(obj)) {
const val = obj[key];
I have just been blocked trying to create a benchmark with the following code:
Preparation code:
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.15/lodash.core.min.js"></script>
// from: https://stackoverflow.com/a/43044212/613198
_.insertSorted = (a, v) => a.splice(_.sortedIndex(a, v), 0, v);
_.insertSortedBy = (a, v, i) => a.splice(_.sortedIndexBy(a, v, i), 0, v);
Setup for all tests:
let inputArray = [
"id": "06BCCC25",
"id": "39F886D9",
"id": "22EA4ED5",
"id": "2F6E5FEA",
"id": "317BF72C", "displayName":"Service02"
let newValue = {
"id": "07BSSC25",
I've been using jsPerf for many years and it would be a pity if I had to look around for an alternative. I don't think using Cloudflare can really work for this sort of project because I believe it is blocking me because I enter JavaScript in text fields and it thinks I'm trying to make a XSS or similar attack. In fact I will have to stop using jsPerl until it is resolved, because even if some people here suggested changing variable names to fool the Cloudflare's attack detection, I don't want to be flagged by Cloudflare as someone who attacks websites.
I would suggest checking what CDN or DDoS protection, if any, is used by:
- JSBin
- jsFiddle
- CodePen
because this has never happened to me on those websites.
I was also blocked doing nothing out of the ordinary. Just loading jquery and fomantic-ui.