quill-placeholder-module copied to clipboard
Not Compatible With VueQuill?
The VueQuill documentation lists your package as a module that should work with VueQuill. I can't seem to get it working. Here is what I did to implement this module into my VueQuill setup as per their documentation. I'm trying to figure out if the package isn't compatible or if I'm missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
<script setup>
import { QuillEditor } from '@vueup/vue-quill'
import Placeholder from 'quill-placeholder-module';
import '@vueup/vue-quill/dist/vue-quill.snow.css';
const modules = {
name: 'placeholder',
module: Placeholder,
options: {
placeholders: [
{id: 'foo', label: 'Foo'},
{id: 'required', label: 'Required', required: true}
<Head title="Send Email" />
<div class="absolute right-6 top-6">
<QuillEditor v-model="form.body" :modules="modules" :content="form.body" contentType="html" />
And here is the error in the console:
TypeError: Quill.import is not a function
at new getPlaceholderModule (quill-placeholder-module.js?v=63e4ae51:87:43)
at SnowTheme2.addModule (chunk-G7VXOX5J.js?v=63e4ae51:6244:40)
at SnowTheme2.addModule (chunk-G7VXOX5J.js?v=63e4ae51:6962:136)
at chunk-G7VXOX5J.js?v=63e4ae51:6236:29
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at SnowTheme2.init (chunk-G7VXOX5J.js?v=63e4ae51:6234:53)
at new Quill2 (chunk-G7VXOX5J.js?v=63e4ae51:1139:28)
at initialize (@vueup_vue-quill.js?v=63e4ae51:1295:15)
at @vueup_vue-quill.js?v=63e4ae51:1273:7
at chunk-U6BEPC57.js?v=63e4ae51:4328:88