hal-client copied to clipboard
A lightweight client for consuming and manipulating Hypertext Application Language (HAL) resources.
A lightweight PHP client for consuming and manipulating Hypertext Application Language (HAL) resources.
- Installation
- Usage
- License
Install the latest version with Composer.
composer require jsor/hal-client
Check the Packagist page for all available versions.
HTTP Client dependency
The Hal client requires a HttpClientInterface implementation which can handle PSR-7 requests and responses.
To use the default implementations shipped with this library, you need to install Guzzle 7, 6 or 5.
composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle:"^5.0||^6.0||^7.0"
We will use Propilex as an example API endpoint.
Create the client
At a first step, we setup a HalClient
use Jsor\HalClient\HalClient;
$client = new HalClient('http://propilex.herokuapp.com');
We can now set additional headers (eg. an Authorization header) which are sent with every request.
$client = $client->withHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer 12345');
Note, that a client instance is immutable, which means, any call to change the state of the instance returns a new instance leaving the original instance unchanged.
// Wrong!
$client->withHeader('Authorization', '...');
$resource = $client->get('/protected');
// Correct!
$client = $client->withHeader('Authorization', '...');
$resource = $client->get('/protected');
Browse the API
To start browsing through the API, we first get the root resource.
/** @var \Jsor\HalClient\HalResource $rootResource */
$rootResource = $client->root();
We now follow the p:documents
/** @var \Jsor\HalClient\HalLink $documentsLink */
$documentsLink = $rootResource->getFirstLink('documents');
$documentsResource = $documentsLink->get();
$totalDocuments = $documentsResource->getProperty('total');
foreach ($resource->getResource('documents') as $document) {
echo $document->getProperty('title') . PHP_EOL;
If there is a second page with more documents, we can follow the next
if ($documentsResource->hasLink('next')) {
$nextDocumentsResource = $documentsResource->getFirstLink('next')->get();
Ok, let's create a new document.
$newDocument = $documentsResource->post([
'body' => [
'title' => 'Sampl document',
'body' => 'Lorem ipsum'
Oh noes! A typo in the document title. Let's fix it.
$changedDocument = $newDocument->put([
'body' => [
'title' => 'Sampe document',
'body' => $newDocument->getProperty('body')
Damn, we give up.
Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Jan Sorgalla. Released under the MIT License.