carty icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
carty copied to clipboard

A lightweight and simple to use shopping cart library.


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A lightweight and simple to use shopping cart library.


  • Introduction
  • Carty with jQuery
  • Carty with Node.js

Browser Support and Polyfills

Carty makes use of ES5 and ES6 features but doesn't ship itself with any polyfills. Make sure to include polyfills if your targeted environments don't support the required features.


You may use ES5 polyfills for the following features (if you have to support browsers like IE8 for example):

You can use es5-shim which provides the required polyfills.


You may use ES6 polyfills for the following features:

ES6 Promises are supported in Node since version 0.11.13.

For browser support, check caniuse.

You can use es6-promise to polyfill both Node and browsers.


If you use the localStorage store adapter, you may polyfill JSON with json2.

Running the Tests


$ npm install
$ make test


Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Jan Sorgalla. Released under the MIT license.