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Open jessequinn opened this issue 6 years ago • 8 comments

Would it be possible to add an object in publications that allows for more details?

Currently the resume-schema for publications is:

"publications": [{ "name": "Publication", "publisher": "Company", "releaseDate": "2014-10-01", "website": "", "summary": "Description..." }],

However, and object that contains details such as volume, pages, issue would be very useful for those in academia. In additions, an array for authors would be greatly appreciated as well. Any information on this matter would be appreciated.

jessequinn avatar Jun 05 '18 20:06 jessequinn

And not all people are the authors of the publications. Some in Academia might have translated a paper, edited or revised.

niyumard avatar Sep 05 '18 12:09 niyumard

Just a question: if a person has not written but "just" translated or edited a paper - then why would they list it as a publication of theirs? Wouldn't that be either a work (or volunteer) accomplishment, or even a project?

wayneamurphy avatar Nov 14 '19 18:11 wayneamurphy

or add a field that includes options such as author editor etc

jessequinn avatar Nov 14 '19 18:11 jessequinn

Within Resumic we are thinking about having a Roles array to showcase your specific involvement, if it isn't just being an author and a coAuthor array to acknowledge them. Anything else seems too detailed to showcase in your own resume.

stp-ip avatar Dec 12 '19 14:12 stp-ip

I'd like to suggest to also add a DOI field.

heitorPB avatar Sep 04 '20 02:09 heitorPB

This might be one of my least favorite calls on v1, publications deserve there own field.


All fields we define have to be implemented by theme developers. It is hard to tell if the main theme developers even need this distinction.


Publications are quite different to certifications, will leave this issue open for a few days.

And also elevated to "High Priority"

thomasdavis avatar Nov 18 '20 15:11 thomasdavis

I'd like to suggest to also add a DOI field.

Saw this after opening pr #405. This is essential for many publications

bilalshaikh42 avatar Dec 26 '20 17:12 bilalshaikh42

Basically the current publications field is unusable on academia.

Altair-Bueno avatar Aug 02 '23 13:08 Altair-Bueno