ex: @JsonbNamingStrategy(PropertyNamingStrategy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES) In jackson @JsonNaming can be used on a class to define naming strategy.
@JsonbProperty annotation if put on not public field/getter/setter must automatically make it visible for JSON-B engine.
By the nature of non-static inner classes, they cannot have a default non-argument constructor which makes not possible to deserialize them using default mapping. The spec has to be changed...
Since Java 8 introduced TYPE_USE annotations, and this API is a Java standard as well, one would expect the two to work together. I suggest JSON-B is enhanced (the implementation...
This is a feature request to enhance JSON-B for 1.1 by supporting serialising objects with cycles using JSON-Pointers. If you have a data structure ``` class Person { String name;...
I am attempting to change the implementation of some code to use JSON-B instead of Jackson. In the process of doing so, I would like to match behavior so existing...
I have a interface model like: public interface Customer { String getName(); Address getAddress(); } public interface Address { String getStreet(); String getCity(); } For each interface there is a...
In the spirits of what JPA has done with ```AttributeConverter(autoApply=true)``` * I would suggest the following changes and implementation of the JsonbtypeAdapter: ```java @JsonbAnnotation @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD,ElementType.TYPE}) public @interface...
ES6 (EcmaScript version 6) and forward specifies very specific rules for serialization including "predictive property" order. This may appear strange but for a human creating the properties A, B, C...
We've got a user question in Johnzon whether setting PropertyOrderStrategy should end up sorting Map and Set fields as well. My personal interpretation from reading the spec is that it...