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Section "Keyword independence" is written twice

Open awwright opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

The section "Keyword independence" is a short little section that describes how keywords don't (usually) interact with each other, and that this is a design consideration of JSON Schema. It lists some of the exceptions to this rule.

However, somewhere along the lines, this section was duplicated:

10.1. Keyword Independence 11.1. Keyword Independence

The doppelgänger should be removed.

awwright avatar Apr 26 '22 05:04 awwright

It's not identical. The list of exceptions are different and specifically related to the vocabulary, hence being a subsection.

Relequestual avatar Apr 26 '22 10:04 Relequestual

Nonetheless, the purpose of the section is to lay down the design considerations of JSON Schema as a whole, it's not necessary to duplicate it for each vocabulary.

awwright avatar Apr 26 '22 16:04 awwright

I thought we resolved this in an earlier PR for the interim draft revision. Perhaps that PR was closed without merging?

karenetheridge avatar Apr 26 '22 16:04 karenetheridge

@karenetheridge I had a quick look but coudln't find anything relating to this, closed or otherwise. If you find anything, let us know.

Relequestual avatar Apr 29 '22 13:04 Relequestual