angular-schema-form copied to clipboard
condition is not supported for IE
As a user, when i use “radios-inline” to crontrol some text input to hidden,so i use "condition" in these text input, exp: condition: "model.absolute"
Expected behaviour
I expected it worked for ie, firefix, chrome
Actual behaviour
It actually worked for firefix, chrome, but it raise exception in IE8, it shows: TypeError: Object not supported “getAttribute" attribute or method
Debug: condition: function(args) { 174 // Do we have a condition? Then we slap on an ng-if on all children, 175 // but be nice to existing ng-if. 176 console.log(args); 177 if (args.form.condition) { 178 var evalExpr = 'evalExpr(' + args.path + 179 '.condition, { model: model, "arrayIndex": $index})'; 180 if (args.form.key) { 181 var strKey = sfPathProvider.stringify(args.form.key); 182 evalExpr = 'evalExpr(' + args.path + '.condition,{ model: model, "arrayIndex": $index, ' + 183 '"modelValue": model' + (strKey[0] === '[' ? '' : '.') + strKey + '})'; 184 } 185 186 var children = args.fieldFrag.children || args.fieldFrag.childNodes; 187 console.log(children); 188 for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { 189 var child = children[i]; 190 console.log(child); 191 var ngIf = child.getAttribute('ng-if'); 192 child.setAttribute( 193 'ng-if', 194 ngIf ? 195 '(' + ngIf + 196 ') || (' + evalExpr + ')' 197 : evalExpr 198 ); 199 } 200 } 201 },
In the ie console, it shows: <NodeList length="2"></NodeList> <p class="hz-help ($::form.htmlClasss$}" sf-field="3" ng-bind-html="form.helpvalue"></p> EmptyTextNode TypeError: Object not supported “getAttribute" attribute or method
I added a conditional judgment, then it worked in IE: if(child.getAttribute){ var ngIf = child.getAttribute('ng-if'); child.setAttribute( 'ng-if', ngIf ? '(' + ngIf + ') || (' + evalExpr + ')' : evalExpr ); }
@yinbiao thanks for taking the time to make a clear issue. Can you confirm when you say it worked that it shows and hides the field as expected or just doesn't error? It looks above that the added if condition would exclude the code from running in IE at all wouldn't it?
@yinbiao Any particular version of IE?
And this is weird, it looks like it is failing because it is trying to call getAttribute on an EmptyTextNode. Maybe we should skip those.
I think this is a duplicate of which is fixed in 0.8.14
@Anthropic yes , it not running on IE, but shows and hides the field as expected and doesn't error,
@scottux I only tested on a version of the IE browser,it should be ie 8