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A simple script to automatically build hexagon grids in Illustrator, for things like D3 hex cartogram visualizations

Hex Grid Script for Adobe Illustrator

This makes repeating hexagonal grids for hex maps or heat maps or Dungeons and Dragons or D3 or whatever you want. There are tools like this but I'm too lazy to read the documentation for them. And hey, we like to use Illustrator to customize our stuff, right?

Screenshot of using the hex grid script with d3

See a demo of hex grids using d3 and turf.js right here, or just check out the code in the docs/ folder


Step 1. Drawing the template hexagon

Draw a hexagon of the proper size using the Polygon tool (it's under shapes). Hold shift while you draw to keep your hexagon the right proportion!

Using the polygon tool in Illustrator to draw a hexagon

If your hexagon has too many sides, use the Shapes menu to kick it up/down to 6.

How to make sure your hexagon has six sides in Illustator

If you'd like to rotate your hexagon to make the pointy side point up, select your hexagon and use Object > Transform > Rotate. Pick 90 as your rotation amount.

Step 2. Running the script

  1. Save hex-grid-generator.js to your machine.
  2. Use the Selection Tool (press V) and click the hexagon. Select only one hexagon!
  3. Now you can run the script by selecting File > Scripts > Other Scripts... and picking the .js file from wherever you downloaded it to.

A completed hex grid from the tool

Tada! If you'd like to install it as a permanent script, see the instructions at the bottom of the page.

Step 3. Putting hexes in groups

If you want to put your hexagons into groups (which maybe you do, it helps for coloring and organizing and outlining), here's how I suggest doing it:

  1. Select a series of hexagons: either hold shift and click to select multiples, or use the lasso tool and then press V. I like the lasso technique, but it can be finnicky.
  2. Ctrl+G to place the hexagons into a group together, then change the color.
  3. Repeat until you've put everything in a group (or deleted the extra hexagons)
  4. Double-click each layer name - for example, Layer 0 - to give it a name. Don't use spaces or anything that isn't a letter of number, they export weird! If you don't have the Layer panel, Window > Layers will reveal it.

Putting your hexagons into layers

Step 4. Using it in D3 (totes optional, of course)

I'm using this to build hex-based cartograms in D3, a.k.a. fancy perfect cool interactive maps. If you'd like to do the same, start by saving your file as an SVG.

See a demo of the completed technique right here, or see the code in the docs/ folder

Maybe you have a csv file full of data to associate with each group of hexagons? Make sure you have a column in your csv that matches with your Illustrator file's layer names. In this case, state is the same as the layer name.


Now let's get the D3 part going:

  • Read in your svg using d3.xml, call it hexFile.
  • Read in your csv using d3.csv, call it datapoints

To associate your csv data with your svg file, you need to do some really weird trickery. The positive side is that if you steal this code, you'll only ever have to change d.state to match your csv column name!

Each layer in the Illustrator file becomes a g with an id of the layer name. Each hexagon is a polygon inside of that layer.

// Get ready to process the hexagon svg file with D3
let imported = d3.select(hexFile).select('svg')

// Remove the stylesheets Illustrator saved

// Inject the imported svg's contents into our real svg

// Loop through our csv, finding the g for each state.
// Use d3 to attach the datapoint to the group.
// e.g. d3.select("#" + d.abbr) => d3.select("#CA")
datapoints.forEach(d => {
  svg.select("#" + d.state)
    .attr('class', 'hex-group')
    .each(function() {

Instead of the standard .selectAll + .data, which binds all of the data all at once, we're using .select + .datum to bind the data one by one.

Once you've done that you can easily use your color scale or whatever on the hexagons - just loop through the groups, find the polygons inside, and use the d you added before!

  .each(function(d) {
    var group = d3.select(this)
      .attr('fill', colorScale(d.population))

What does that even look like? Look at a demo.

Yes, you can also associate your data with the hexagons themselves so you don't have to do the .each thing. If you want to draw outlines and stuff, though, this technique works a lot better.

If you're using this with npm, you'll want to npm install @turf/turf polylabel

Installation instructions

You can just download it and use it like the above, but if you'd like to have it forever and ever, install instructions to make it show up in the Scripts menu...


You'll install it in something that looks like C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CC 2018\Presets\en_US\Scripts. It might be in Adobe Illustrator CS6 (64 Bit) or something else like that, and your language might be en_GB or de_DE or whatever if you aren't an American, but I trust that you can figure it out.


You should follow these instructions, they're really good and even have screenshots!

Writing code in the ExtendScript Toolkit seriously broke me. I promise I know how to write JavaScript, really.