I ran into another complication in terms of threading, now with PyObjects. :) The issue is that I have a PyObject, which was obtained on another thread (to be specific...
Yes I also figured this out (incr ref) , so as some prototype I hacked it on the java side using ctypes .. I know, it's getting shaky ;). This...
Hey, this signature comes from Jython I guess, and it has all args in the first array and all keywords in the second. They don't need to be of the...
I think I'm seeing a similar issue when executing a unit test script via execfile. It works in a plain python 3 interpreter, but fails in a jep instance (SharedInterpreter)...
Hey @bsteffensmeier we have discussed the synchronization of globals between different interpreters, in the end I created a shared globals dict and reused it in https://github.com/ninia/jep/blob/master/src/main/c/Jep/pyembed.c#L762 for shared interpreters instead...
@bsteffensmeier I have trouble with this approach when I try to iterate over a tuple with a java object inside. For some reason it always throws a StopIteration exception, when...
Yesterday, when I debugged this, I was quite sure to have seen a stop iteration exception, but just now I double checked in my test and indeed the swallowed JepException...
Thanks again for the quick and accurate answer, as always :) Normalizing indeed has some impact, although it doesn't fix the problematic case, but breaks also the working case :D...
Hey, for activation you source /bin/activate - probably before you start your java process. By default virtualenv does not put the python installation's site-packages onto the path. So if you...
Hey @ndjensen, @bsteffensmeier, do you see a way with the existing infrastructure to hook an invocation handler on pyjmethod or some kind of wrapper around the methods on pyjtype? Or...