Would someone please help me compile Opensim's Python bindings ? Unfortunately, #PR3414 was closed yesterday, this was an alternative way to solve the problem described in https://simtk.org/plugins/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=15254&sid=e4de93b208ba09734d13954a9cb03480... Retrieving gravity forces...
I tried to test this PR, but I lack skills and practice in CMake/Visual Studio to build an runable version of this PR. The attached zip file includes : -...
Thank you very much for the attention given to this PR. Please attached find a zip archive with logs about today's build trials. spdlog compiles and installs fine with VS2019...
Yes !! You did it ! Don't apologize for your bad french, it's only about Visual Studio mysteries... Well, I've downloaded this artifact (I didn't even know such thing existed)...