Iconize copied to clipboard does not show icons on iOS does not show icons on iOS
Did you add the fonts to Resources folder and set the build action to BundleResources?
Did you add the fonts to Resources folder and set the build action to BundleResources?
Yes. I downloaded the files from the repository.
this issue didn't happen in older versions.
But now I don't use iconize because of this issue. Instead, I use Xamarin Forms Embedded fonts.
Any update on this? I backed down to and now I'm getting "fas-times" instead of the icon and the box with a question mark for for IconImages on iOS. Android is fine.
Any update on this? I backed down to and now I'm getting "fas-times" instead of the icon and the box with a question mark for for IconImages on iOS. Android is fine.
@mwerickson Now I'm using Xamarin.Form's embedded fonts instead. It works better than this.