Iconize copied to clipboard
Font Awesome Solid Icons of v3.5.0.129 are not shown at Android.
Hello. I have an issue for Font Awesome Solid Icons.
For examples, the following icon is displayed at iOS only and is not shown at Android.
<iconize:IconButton Text="fas-play" WidthRequest="40" HeightRequest="40" TextColor="White" HorizontalOptions="Center"/>
FAS works at Iconize GitHub sample, but it does not work at my project. FAS works well at iOS because iOS platform project has font file itself. Font Awesome Regular Module Icons (FAR) v3.5.0.129 work well at both Android and iOS. Therefore, it is not a configuration issue of my project.
Finally, I found that Iconize GitHub sample used and my project uses So, I suspect that it must be an issue of v3.5.0.129 on Android.
My environment: Visual Studio 2019 Xamarin Forms 4.1 latest stable Iconize
Best regards.
I too had to downgrade to and it worked again for me on Android.
Can confirm that on Android - Font Awesome Solid fonts no longer display while Regular fonts do.
I am also using Visual Studio 2019 and Xamarin Forms 4.1.
Yet to try iOS.
The same issue on Android
I am also using Visual Studio 2019 and XF 4.1
I can confirm this issue. I believe it is because iconize-fontawesome-solid.ttf is a copy of iconize-fontawesome-brands.ttf in Both files have Font Awesome 5 Brands Regular as Font name. Looks like a mistake
Any update on this?
If anyone is still looking for a fix for this, you can revert back to the normal tabbed page as Xamarin Forms 4 offers FontImageSupport now. This can be set to the tabs IconImageSource.
All you need to do is set the FontImageSupport object's font family to the FontAwsomeSolid.ttf (You will have to add this in yourself) and then set the glyph property which can be found on all the icons on the website.
It's explained in here: https://montemagno.com/using-font-icons-in-xamarin-forms-goodbye-images-hello-fonts/. I can confirm the tab icons are loading with this.
Hi any update with correcting this bug?
@TaaheroHiro Just use FontImageSource property instead.
@jsmarcus Is it possible, that you fix this? I have a very bad feeling, if I use a nuget package where the newest version is not working.