
Results 61 comments of jsleight

sklearn definitely thinks that `intercept_` is supposed to be a numpy array. https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/blob/0.19.2/sklearn/linear_model/logistic.py#L1106 Though "If `fit_intercept` is set to False, the intercept is set to zero." In that docstring too....

yeah that is definitely the issue. So depending on your perspective this is either a bug in sklearn to not return ndarray like the API is supposed to return or...

> can we also add VectorSizeHint (A feature transformer)? Seems reasonable. @RuxuePeng do you have any interest in submitting a PR? I'm happy to help you review it and merge...

@johnnyasd12 the pyspark portions of custom transformers are usually quite simple since pyspark is just a py4j wrapper around the "real" spark scala code. But as you correctly identified, custom...

I think this should be a matter of adding `mleap-xgboost-runtime` into your jvm dependency management system? I.e., add it as a dependency in your `pom.xml`, `build.sbt`, or `build.gradle` file depending...

Can you provide a more complete stacktrace? My only thought right now is that the mleap runtime can't find the correct op used to load the bundle. This could occur...

@zhenglaizhang I would guess no one is working on it and a PR is definitely welcome 😄

As a caveat, converting from spark to mleap is kind of an unusual thing which we don't usually need to do. If you have a spark session and dataframe, then...

The error means you are using StringIndexer with the multi-column in/out formats. I.e., you set the InputCols parameter (and maybe the OutputCols parameter). This is a new feature added in...

From looking at the source code, this error is caused by the one hot encoder op not being able to resolve the categorical size of the `loan_term_idx_imputed` field. It expects...