ORB_SLAM2-PythonBindings copied to clipboard
Patching failure
I have managed to build and run standard ORB-SLAM2. I am now trying to work within Python, I get a patching error on lines 119 and 477. Wondered if anyone knows what could be causing this?
oh... I think I may have figured it out.
Am I supposed to apply the patch to all three files?
patch CMakeLists.txt < orbslam-changes.diff
patch include/System.h < orbslam-changes.diff
patch src/System.cc < orbslam-changes.diff
The patch certainly affects all three of those files. I was using git patch to affect them all at once (I assumed git would be available since it was cloned from github), but if this works, go for it.
I get the same issue? I followed the instructions and ran ~/slam/ORB_SLAM2$ git apply -v --ignore-whitespace orbslam-changes.diff
and I get:
Checking patch CMakeLists.txt...
error: while searching for:
target_link_libraries(mono_euroc ${PROJECT_NAME})
error: patch failed: CMakeLists.txt:111
error: CMakeLists.txt: patch does not apply
Checking patch include/System.h...
error: while searching for:
// Information from most recent processed frame
// You can call this right after TrackMonocular (or stereo or RGBD)
int GetTrackingState();
std::vector<MapPoint*> GetTrackedMapPoints();
std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> GetTrackedKeyPointsUn();
error: patch failed: include/System.h:119
error: include/System.h: patch does not apply
Checking patch src/System.cc...
error: while searching for:
return mTrackingState;
vector<MapPoint*> System::GetTrackedMapPoints()
unique_lock<mutex> lock(mMutexState);
error: patch failed: src/System.cc:477
error: src/System.cc: patch does not apply
What am I doing wrong? It isnt as if the codebase changed, orbslam2 hasn't been updated in years! @jskinn could you please weigh in on this? Thank you