Jay Sitter

Results 25 comments of Jay Sitter

@spigotdesign This issue title (but not the description) also refers to Custom Post Types, which are widely used and still unavailable in the iOS app. @sendhil Can you please update...

I'm having some trouble with this using Pathogen in Neovim 0.7.2. Can't seem to isolate the issue, but will keep looking.

Maybe: ```vim if a:config["insert_final_newline"] == "false" || !&fixendofline setl nofixendofline ```

I realize this is because I didn't install typescript globally: https://github.com/prabirshrestha/vim-lsp/wiki/Servers-JavaScript Shouldn't this be handled by `:LspInstallServer`?

What's a good way of working around this? Something with `.lens()`?

I can't seem to reproduce this? Can you list explicit steps for reproducing the issue, what you expect to happen, and what happens instead, with links and screenshots? Thanks.

This seems to work for me now on 0.18.0; I've selected "All" in my user settings, the home feed shows All, and the switcher menu at the top of the...

@dessalines Might be adequate to just add something to `name_explain` translation: `Name – used as the identifier for the community, cannot be changed. Must contain only lowercase letters or underscores.`

@dessalines To give this dropdown a little more room, I suggest moving the language drop-down and the "Post" button to a second row. This will: a. Prevent the language dropdown...