If your cameras are located out of your local network, That is a current issue. We are currently awaiting a fix for the relay issue that came with the newest...
same here, clicked update and it claims 270 is available.
I have a v3 doing the same exact thing. I can view feed in Wyze app but not Wyze docker.
It would appear that some apps are having a relay problem after the newest firmware update. Which will not let the camera work if out of network.
It must not be hard to fix. I see Tinycam has already fixed it.
Tinycam pro 17.2.1 updated via AppStore, fixed for me. I can now see cameras outside my home network.
Was really hoping to see an update for this issue by now.
I have to agree, I have a few remote cameras that would be a pain to downgrade. Until this gets fixed I been using the webserver in Tinycam pro to...