James Friend

Results 62 comments of James Friend

The official JSX transformer doesn't seem to require the first character to be lower case when a namespace is used. We should probably support that functionality also, to keep in...

@cganas Sure thing. In the near future however, I'll change the implementation to only require the uppercase first letter for non-namespaced tags.

At the moment I've only tried to support simple variable and property accesses in the spread operator, so you would have to do eg. ``` html React.createClass render: -> props...

This isn't a problem with Coffeescript or CJSX, this is something you fundamentally can't do with JSX. You **must** have a single root element in any JSX expression: https://facebook.github.io/react/tips/maximum-number-of-jsx-root-nodes.html I'm...

Yep that was part of the idea with implementing a very loose parser based on a minimal subset of coffeescript syntax

You've got some malformed tags there... your code should be: ``` coffee ... render: -> foobar ``` Or was the `>` after foo intentional? In that case it should be...

Okay thanks, this gives me a enough information to say this is a genuine issue and I'll move forward with some changes I've been considering which should eliminate this class...

This might be fixed by the changes in [v3.1.0](https://github.com/jsdf/browserify-incremental/releases/tag/v3.1.0), give it a go?

To fix this, environment and configuration need to become part of the cache key (which we should have always been doing 😬). This is not yet implemented, but it's my...

Basically when items are stored in the cache, currently they are keyed by file name only. If that key also included a digest of things like the node env and...