plot2svg copied to clipboard
NaN pcolor cells and char ticklabels
I am using the Matlab, and had two issues with the current version...
First, one of my pcolor plots contains NaNs so that those cells remain transparant. But plot2svg resets those NaNs to 1 (l.1729,l.1755), filling the corresponding cells with the 1st color of the colormap (not transparant).
This was my fix, can it break other stuff? l.1721: lNaN = isnan(pointc); l.1756: pointc(lNaN) = NaN;
Second, to overcome an issue with char X/Y/ZTicklabels I added if ~iscell(numlabels), numlabels = cellstr(numlabels); end to l.2500, 2528, 2556.
Kind regards Daan
just wanted to let you know about the first release of fig2svg:
please give it a try and if the issue is still there please report