dtrt-indent copied to clipboard
Adapting tab mode to file content not working
The documentation made me expect dtrt-indent
to adapt indent-tabs-mode
to "the right thing":
;; `indent-tabs-mode' Setting
;; For determining hard vs. soft tabs, dtrt-indent counts the number of
;; lines out of the eligible lines in the fixed segment that are
;; indented using hard tabs, and the number of lines indented using
;; spaces. If either count is significantly higher than the other count,
;; `indent-tabs-mode' will be modified.
However, opening this file /tmp/asdf.sh
with basic init file ~/tmp/basic-init.el
does not seem to guess and modify to the right value of indent-tabs-mode
Test material
#! /usr/bin/env bash
function asdf()
printf "asASDFASDF"
echo "1234"
printf "qwerqwerqwer\n"
if [ df ] ; then
if [ er ] ; then
(require 'package)
(setq package-enable-at-startup nil)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/"))
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu" . "http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/"))
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpamilk" . "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/"))
(unless package-archive-contents
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
(package-install 'use-package))
(require 'use-package)
(defun my-prog-mode-hook ()
(use-package dtrt-indent
:ensure t
:config (dtrt-indent-mode t))
(require 'whitespace) ;; builtin
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c b") 'whitespace-mode)
(delete 'indentation whitespace-style) ; no warning about indent with spaces
Test result
Starting emacs with emacs -q -l ~/tmp/basic-init.el /tmp/asdf.sh
, then activating whitespace mode with C-c b
gives me this:
After going to the row with 8 space indent (wefwefew
), deleting one space, pressing TAB, I get this:
Expected result: dtrt-indent-mode
indents with spaces, since all other indentations are with spaces.
Debug data
Here is what I have found so far.
Result of dtrt-indent-diagnosis
Guessing offset for /tmp/asdf.sh
Elapsed time for analysis: 0.001 seconds
Total relevant lines: 5 out of 17 (limit: 5000)
4x 4 spaces
1x 8 spaces
offset 2 works for 100.00% of relevant lines, matching 2 distinct offsets - merged with offset 4 (0.00% deviation, limit 20.00%)
offset 4 works for 100.00% of relevant lines, matching 2 distinct offsets - CONSIDERED
offset 8 works for 20.00% of relevant lines, matching 1 distinct offsets - CONSIDERED
offset 3 works for 0.00% of relevant lines, matching 0 distinct offsets - rejected: too few distinct matching offsets (1 required)
offset 5 works for 0.00% of relevant lines, matching 0 distinct offsets - rejected: too few distinct matching offsets (1 required)
offset 6 works for 0.00% of relevant lines, matching 0 distinct offsets - rejected: too few distinct matching offsets (1 required)
offset 7 works for 0.00% of relevant lines, matching 0 distinct offsets - rejected: too few distinct matching offsets (1 required)
Best guess is offset 4 with 100.00% matching lines (80.00% required)
Hard tab percentage: 20.00% (1 lines), -75.00% superior to soft tabs (threshold 300.00%)
Soft tab percentage: 80.00% (4 lines), 300.00% superior to hard tabs (threshold 300.00%)
Guessed offset 4 with 100% confidence.
Change indent-tab-setting: yes, to nil
It seems dtrt-indent-mode
could correctly guess that indent-tab-setting
(although there is no such variable? Is there? Wrong name? Shouldn't it be indent-tabs-mode
?) should be nil.
But it could only hint the user that they probably want to set it to nil (the message seems to be a recommendation, although it is not obvious. At first glance, it looks like dtrt-indent actually made the change).
C-h v
is t
, so it was not changed. According to the code comment I posted at the top, it should?
The embedded help I open from that emacs session says:
When dtrt-indent mode is enabled, the proper indentation offset
and ‘indent-tabs-mode’ will be guessed for newly opened files and
adjusted transparently.
tells me that what I have installed is this:
Status: Installed in ‘dtrt-indent-20210423.745/’ (unsigned). Delete
Version: 20210423.745
Commit: 9714f2c5f1c9b7c21e732df8c15a870a88caba84
Summary: Adapt to foreign indentation offsets
Keywords: convenience files languages c
Other versions: 20210423.745 (melpa), 20200430.1023 (melpamilk).
@fleutot set dtrt-indent-run-after-smie
and it should work.
@rrthomas when dtrt-indent
doesn't run because SMIE is active (and dtrt-indent-run-after-smie
is nil) there is no indication to users: dtrt-indent-diagnosis
doesn't mention it, the mode-line lighter is displayed, and the minor mode is listed as active. This is clearly confusing.
The diagnosis should say something like "dtrt-indent doesn't run in this buffer because...".
As for the minor mode, I haven't been involved with its refactoring: do you think it would be better to check inside the globalized mode to decide whether or not it should be enabled for a given buffer?
I might see if I can make time to improve this.
Thanks very much, @jscheid, for looking into this and other issues; also thanks @fleutot for a beautifully detailed report for this issue.
And thank you @jscheid and @rrthomas for looking into this :) If any of you wants to earn free internet pointz, here is the question I wrote on StackExchange about this.
Incidentally, and this is a little embarrassing, I didn't load the package correctly in my minimal example above either:
(use-package dtrt-indent
:ensure t
:config (dtrt-indent-mode t)) ; This line is NOT going to load the module by itself
I did create a custom prog mode hook, but never actually loaded it. How silly.
This works:
(defun my-prog-mode-hook ()
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'my-prog-mode-hook)
(use-package dtrt-indent
:ensure t
(setq dtrt-indent-run-after-smie t)
I kind of expected dtrt to replace smie altoghether. But now it looks like it rather requires it?
I suppose there is a use for dtrt-indent-mode
without dtrt-indent-run-after-smie
, but I don't see what it could be? If there isn't, why not make it default?
As far as the interaction with SMIE goes (since I introduced that) the idea is that for modes that use SMIE, dtrt-indent should defer to SMIE. If you don't use dtrt-indent-run-after-smie
, then dtrt-indent
will still be used in non-SMIE modes.
I don't understand "defer to SMIE". Do you mean that dtrt-mode does nothing by default if SMIE is in use? Even if dtrt-mode is active? And dtrt-indent-run-after-smie
overrides that and makes it run anyway?
If that is the case, I understand @jscheid's comment better, it really is confusing having the mode active but no effect. Why not have dtrt-indent-run-after-smie
on by default? Whoever activates the mode (at least locally) certainly wants it active?
I don't understand "defer to SMIE". Do you mean that dtrt-mode does nothing by default if SMIE is in use? Even if dtrt-mode is active? And
overrides that and makes it run anyway?
That's right.
Why not have
on by default? Whoever activates the mode (at least locally) certainly wants it active?
Indeed, if you're activating dtrt-indent-mode
locally, then it may make sense to turn dtrt-indent-run-after-smie
on. The default setting of off makes sense when you're just using dtrt-indent-global-mode
. The idea is that SMIE is supposed to solve the same problem, and it's the "default" solution, so we don't want to interfere with it by default.