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reset parameters gets stuck processing

Open platypii opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

Expected Behavior

Clicking "reset" on the parameter dialog should reset parameters and update model.

Actual Behavior

UI gets stuck with message "processing, please wait".

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. Load a model with parameters (eg- Help Menu > Center function demonstration)
  2. Click "Reset"
  3. "processing, please wait" will display forever

It's not 100% reliable. Sometimes it won't happen unless you click "Update" first. But it happens very frequently in my experience.


  • Version: 2.5.8
  • Platform: linux chrome
  • Environment: browser

platypii avatar Apr 18 '22 15:04 platypii

@platypii I hope that you are working on other issues. Please don't work on the web GUI.

z3dev avatar Jul 19 '22 11:07 z3dev

I'm not working on this, but I noticed the bug and wanted to file it somewhere.

platypii avatar Jul 21 '22 11:07 platypii

Cool. I hope to start reviewing and contributing to the new WEB UI soon. We need to push that along now, and start moving towards ES6 import / export

z3dev avatar Jul 21 '22 12:07 z3dev

Cool. I hope to start reviewing and contributing to the new WEB UI soon. We need to push that along now, and start moving towards ES6 import / export

I have been silent for some time, but I have been exploring executing scripts that use es6 modules and how other web IDEs do it, and I was doing it outside jscad web prototype branch.

The solution might not be too complicated for WEB IDE of jscad, but for cli we might need a different solution to simplify execution. In web context I have been able to setup babel transpiler that converts es6 module import export to CJS format.

Also form all of these explorations I am now convinced that monaco editor is best way forward (it is basis for vscode) and it will open cool possibilities down the line.

hrgdavor avatar Jul 21 '22 13:07 hrgdavor