sorry, it was actually get_config_stack() and I think is in a different line. I have a pull request with a more robust fix (#333).
There is a file with merged fixes. You could just copy out bin/git.py, or else clone it, or do selfupdate pointing to this branch, etc. commit 9939221.
IIRC, git init in stash wants a path -- i.e. `git init .` BTW, if you plan on pushing back to GitHub, it is better to create the repo on...
I think i was able to execute a script that was already loaded in the editor, but not a generic script. I forget. I think I concluded it was going...
I Have gotten this to work through the editor tab: https://gist.github.com/e64581caa4588625896594882870c50c The file needn't be open, but some file needs to be open (tab must exist). If interpreter is already...
Aha! ``` I2=ObjCClass('PythonInterpreter').sharedInterpreter() I2.runWithOptions_(({ 'captureExceptions':0, 'script':'print "hello"\n', 'scriptPath':""})) ```
There is no obvious way to get exceptions or return codes back to py3.
Another option would be to use a socket, such as an AF_UNIX socket which talks through a file id. Since many scripts use _stash, on the py2 side, stash must...
actually, i guess it is possible to communicate on the objc side. Also, it feels like it should be possible using ctypes to call the c level commands for running...
I don't think it has to be run on the main thread. It seemed like a good idea, but might not be needed. Sent from my iPad > On Jun...