raspi-kernel copied to clipboard
Stuck in: print on a real Screen
I am trying to show ur OS on a real Screen.(Part 6). But my screen keeps black.
My raspys 1 + 2 work fine-> i checked it with other OS.
I followed ur tutorial until part 6. I got my Images and loaded them on my Card. After copieing them into my old OS installation of Rasphian i get stuck in the rainbow screen. If i tun the Rainbow Screen off, the Raspie get suck in blackscreen. Same on both(1+2). After 42 tries it surrendered.:(
Could someone assure me, that this tutorial still works in 2021? And inform me about , how u got it on the rean screen.
Unfortunately, I have the same issue, I have gone through a lot of gymnastics with this thing, I have tested the original code, but I can't get anything to get displayed to anything. I tried my raspi and screen, QEMU with -serial stdio, QEMU with -D log.txt, and QEMU with -nographic. Nothing on any of them. I am on Mac OS btw.