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Repo for Qt5 Cadaques Project
"Don’t think as Qt being just as UI toolkit it has so much more to offer." -- Should Read -- "Don’t think of Qt as being just a UI toolkit,...
back-link: ch02/index.html#get-started a typo in subchapter "Desktop Widgets" miss a '(' explicit CustomWidgetQWidget *parent = 0); _________________^ ( like this explicit CustomWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);
back-link: ch08/index.html#particle-parameters We saw already how to change the behavior of the emitter to change our simulation. The particle painter used allows us TO DETERMINE how the particle image is...
back-link: ch04/index.html#image-element link to QQmlImageProvider (http://doc.qt.nokia.com/5.0-snapshot/qqmlimageprovider.html) does not exist.
back-link: ch04/index.html#positioning-elements // column.qml import QtQuick 2.0 DarkSquare { id: root width: 120 height: 240 ``` Column { id: row anchors.centerIn: parent spacing: 8 RedSquare { } GreenSquare { width:...
back-link: ch02/index.html#qt-quick-application 1] "In a traditional technology you develop the so called front-end with the same pace as the back-end. Which results into conflicts when customers want to change the...
back-link: ch02/index.html#adapting-data 1] "Often in your application you will need larger amount of structured data, which also has to be persistently stored." should be "Often in your application you will...
back-link: ch02/index.html#widget-application 1] "The application object encapsulate the qt runtime and with the exec call we start the event loop." should be "The application object encapsulates the qt runtime and...
back-link: ch01/index.html#meet-qt-5 "can not" should be "cannot"
back-link: index.html#a-book-about-qt5 1. Please remove all of the copyright and similar comments from the code samples. They take up room and aren't necessary. 2. Even though the sections in the...