wordnet-3.0-rdf copied to clipboard
The linked open dataset described at http://datahub.io/dataset/vu-wordnet, and the tools used to create it
How to load the RDF files into your triple store?
I personally use ClioPatria [1] as my triple store, which understands the "void.ttl" file in the distribution. So I only need to say
and it will load all the triples I need (and it will load it fast from the compressed .ttl.gz files)!
So assuming you have a triple store without similar VOiD support, you need to to the void-part by hand. Should not be to difficult if you look at the rdf/void.ttl file in this directory.
So stuff you need for both full and basic versions are the files listed in wn30-common:
<wordnet-attribute.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-causes.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-classifiedby.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-entailment.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-frame.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-glossary.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-hyponym.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-instances.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-membermeronym.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-partmeronym.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-sameverbgroupas.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-similarity.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-substancemeronym.ttl.gz> ,
<wordnet-synset.ttl.gz> .
If you do not know if you need basic or full, I recommend you to use the basic version (see http://www.w3.org/TR/wordnet-rdf/#basicfull for more info). In rdf/basic/void.ttl you see this requires just tow extra files: <wnbasic-schema.ttl.gz> , <wordnet-senselabels.ttl.gz> .
This should be sufficient for most applications!
For full, you need some more files, see rdf/full/void.ttl for the list.
To enable a SKOS-view, load the mappings provide in <wnskosmap.ttl.gz> , <wordnet-skos-inScheme.ttl.gz> .
[1] http://cliopatria.swi-prolog.org/help/Download.html