IconHandler icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
IconHandler copied to clipboard

👓 Tint you Icons, change the size, apply alpha color and set a position easily.

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Icon Handler

This is an Android project. This library handle the drawable customization and position on View, EditText, ImageView, TextView, Button and etc. You can do a lot with a few lines of code, like change the icon color, alpha or even the size. This library has a lot more customization and features than is able to show here. Please check the sample app and feel free to help with a pull request.

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Step #1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file:

allprojects {
    repositories {
	maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

Step #2. Add the dependency (See latest release).

dependencies {
       compile 'com.github.jrvansuita:IconHandler:+'


//Setting up a icon on background of a View.
Icon.put(yourView, R.mipmap.your_icon);

//Setting up a icon on the ImageView.
Icon.put(yourImageView, R.mipmap.your_icon);

//Setting up a icon on the left of the TextView. Also can use right(), top() and bottom() methods.
Icon.left(yourTextView, R.mipmap.your_icon);

//Setting up a icon on MenuItem

//Setting up a icon to the ImageView and converting it to blue.

//Setting up a icon to the ImageView and converting it to your custom color.

//Setting up a bitmap as a icon.

//Setting up a icon on dynamic position

//You can merge the usage with colors transformations.

//Setting up a icon to the ImageView and applying alpha. (0-255)

//Will make the icon appears weak. Receiving focus will reveals the real color of icon.
Icon.focusable(yourEditText, R.mipmap.your_icon, Gravity.RIGHT);

//Just another edit text to lose the focus of the first.

yourImageButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View view) {
         //Clearing all icons of the View.

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