James Price
James Price
This kernel: ``` __kernel void foo( constant const uchar *indices, local int4* __shared) { int x = get_local_id(0); short _827 = ((local short *)__shared)[x]; uchar _833 = indices[_827]; int y...
Kernel argument info is currently determined from the SPIR metadata generated when using `-cl-kernel-arg-info`. In order to mitigate against SPIR that hasn't been generated with this metadata, this argument info...
The OpenCL spec requires that this value should reflect the program's actual state (i.e. INTERMEDIATE, COMPILED, LIBRARY or EXECUTABLE).
Add support for the following packed image formats: CL_UNORM_SHORT_565 CL_UNORM_SHORT_555 CL_UNORM_INT_101010
Allow user to set environment variable to control which kernel(s) to break into.
Two variables with the same name in different scopes will clash. The print command will only see the variable most recently updated.
All OpenCL runtime API function (except clSetKernelArg) need to be thread-safe.
The WGSL spec says: > The access decoration must only appear on a type used as the store type for a variable in the storage storage class. But there are...
There are a few differences in the native APIs implemented by Emscripten and Dawn that mean Halide's WebGPU backend currently requires a build-time switch to select between the two. Once...